How to Say NO if You’re a YES Person!

Are you a yes person?

If you find yourself saying yes to things that distracts from the important stuff in life, then chances are you're a Yes Person. But do you ever say yes when your brain is screaming no?

The downside of being a yes person:

  • You can enable others to develop a dependency on you

  • You may be susceptible to people taking advantage

  • Stress and burnout can zap you and your energy levels

  • Your time can evaporate, leaving you to drop the ball on your own priorities

  • You can be distracted from your own tasks and not meet your goals

You have a choice. You don't need to say yes to everything you're asked for, and neither do others if they respect your boundaries. It's important that we prioritize our own needs first as this is possible without harming the people who depend on us or those whom are less privileged than ourselves.

How to say no:

  1. Use the ‘N’ word. Say it: “No”.
    Don’t say you’ll think about it or dart around the issue; be polite but straight up when declining the offer. You might also thank them for asking.

  2. Don’t justify your no.
    If you say, “I’m too busy this time”, when really you don’t ever want to do it, they’ll assume it’s ok to ask you again.

  3. Don’t apologise.
    It’s your time!

  4. Practise Saying no.
    Break the habit cycle.

  5. Assess the relationship.
    If you can’t say no, ask yourself why. Are they a true friend? Does your colleague share the company’s values? In which case, they’ll be totally respectful of your no. It’s important to set relationship boundaries.

  6. Say yes – with a catch.
    Take the power back. Controlling the how and when can reduce the stress of saying yes. For example, maybe your colleague has asked you to do a job for them. You might say, “Yes, I can do that for you, however, I can’t begin until a, b and c are finalised, so it may take three weeks to do a good job of it”. That leaves it up to them if your yes with strings is their best solution.

It is important to value yourself enough and respect your own time. It’s also great when you empower others by giving them their chance or finding the solution themselves.

A business is only successful when it prioritises the things that align with its vision and five year plan. It might mean saying no to developing a new product idea or strategic partnership, even if they are cool ideas because they don't contribute enough value in what your company needs most right now.

Of course, being clear on your vision, goals and priorities makes it much easier to say no to things that don’t contribute to your desired outcomes!

“We’ll increasingly be defined by what we say no to.” - Paul Graham

Book a complimentary Discovery Session with the team at Thrive CA if you want help clarifying your personal and business goals!